Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tennis is Cancelled

As of 5:21 p.m today, Thursday July 30th, 2009, the youth 10 and under program has been cancelled for the night.

July 30th, 2009. The skies are clearing and it looks like a beautiful night to have our final 10 & Under practice. See you on the courts!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday, July 28th @ 4:30

I know it looks cloudy but as long as it doesn't rain practice is on. See you at Wilmot.

If you are coming from a distance and are worried about rain feel free to call me. 262-909-7417

Terri Leslie

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

WKCTA High School Tennis Camp
July 13th through July 17th

WKCTA in association with Coach Chuck Werve held their first tennis camp. Assisting Coach Werve were Paul & Pat Brings and Amy Gearhart.
Pictured bottom left to right are: Alex Ferruzzi, Jim Heck, Courtney Pfeiffer, Amber Pfeiffer. 2nd row: Laura Bogdon, Erin Dunham, Haley Peters, Jordan Leslie, Angela Christenson, Alyssa Rosch. third row: Coach Paul Brings, Keisha Harper, Holly Weber, Kyle Farrell, Brian Sockness, Brandon Helbig, Coach Chuck Werve, Coach Pat Brings and Asst. Amy Gearhart.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8, 2009. Yesterday's tennis was great fun and there was a lot of learning going on too. There are many other photos that dropped into the archives. You will want to check those out. I have started a photo album that I will bring to our Tuesday practices. Just ask at the check-in to see the book.

Terri Leslie, Secretary

Coach says, "Hug your racquet" when your waiting for instructions.

Playing points is great fun.

Coach works on tap downs with a U6 player.

Hurry, Hurry get those balls across the net. Clear the Court is great fun!

Clear the Court is a movement activity. All of the foam balls are dumped on the court and the kids have one minute to throw more balls than the kids from the other side across the net.

Warm-up drill. Start at the net run backwards to the service line, shuffle sideways to the alley line, shuffle backwards. Well you get it, they really get warmed-up!

U10's shuffling while passing the ball.

Slamma Jamma. The ball must bounce between the players before their partner bounces it back. They do this while shuffling from the net to the baseline. They learn ball handling skills and movement. A lot of coodination is involved. Great Job Girls!!

Great Volley Form!!

Coach tells the 6 year olds to work on rallying the ball with a parent.

This U6 tells coach that she will work on rally ball with her parent.

U6's tell their coach what homework skills they will work on.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's Tuesday July 7, 2009. Let's play some tennis! See you at Wilmot High School Tennis Courts at 6:00. Coaches please come at 5:30.
If you need to contact us please call
Paul Brings at 414-841-3965 or Terri Leslie at 262-857-9559.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Midwest Jr. Team Tennis/Utilizing the QuickStart format
We had a blast working with the kids in their 2nd week of tennis lessons.

U-10 tennis player works on volley's

U-10's work on Volley Progression. Here Coach Angela works on "High 5"

U-6's work on skills.

U-6 Court Crew and Aces play ball toss

Bean Bag Relay was popular with the U-8's.
U-10's Play Rally Ball

Midwest Jr. Team Tennis/utilizing the QuickStart format.

What a great day for tennis. An extreme weather change from the heat of last week. In this photo a team works on rally ball.